5-Day Real Estate Investor Accelerator Pop-up Challenge + BRRRRCON Recordings!

Avoiding the 5 Biggest Mistakes New Investors Make

podcast Jun 29, 2023

Let's say you're new to investing. What are some of the common pitfalls you need to avoid falling into on your journey to financial freedom? Niti and Palak have identified five key mistakes that first-time investors make repeatedly – and they're here today to ensure you don't make them yourself.

By providing us with these five critical pitfalls on what not to do as a new investor, the Wealth Blueprint is also cleverly offering us sage advice on what we should be doing too – and this is the stuff that can truly align your property dreams with a hardened ambition that saves you time, money, and energy in the long run. 

If you're not growing as a person and developing your mindset, your business is not going to grow. How are you learning about investing and making incremental updates to your financial model as you get started? 

As Palak and Niti emphasize, money is made in the seemingly mundane – it's not acquired by choosing the tiles and trying to do...

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Who in the World Has Time to Build Wealth?

podcast Jun 23, 2023

In today's busy world, who's got the time to build real wealth? Demanding jobs, young kids, aging parents, social media distractions, and trying to find a moment for ourselves in between... life is full! So, how are we supposed to build wealth?

It starts with a mindset shift: turning "I Have to do" into "I get to do"; appreciating that your position in life is one of privilege and that opportunities for you do exist. From there, we can address how we are looking at our day through the lens of becoming more productive.

Today's episode is more than just a blueprint for acquiring generational wealth: it's a template for improved everyday living that includes all the best tips and tactics for becoming more productive that Palak and Niti have acquired over the years.


"Wealth building is a privilege." ~ Palak Shah
"Building wealth is a rock in your life. It's one of the most important things you'll do for yourself." ~ Niti Jamdar


In This Episode:

02:00 Appreciating that...

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How to Break Generational Money Cycles?

podcast Jun 16, 2023

What's holding you back from making real money? Have you heard of generational money cycles? Growing up, we inherit beliefs (including limiting ones!) from our parents and grandparents before them.

Palak and Niti have dealt with their fair share of new investors who've struggled to come to terms with this, and so in today's episode, they're sharing just how to overcome these limiting beliefs.

We can blame our lack of success on strategy and tactics, sure. But what about mindset? Is your head in the right place? Are you gaslighting yourself, perhaps? Constantly pushing ourselves isn't the only way to success. In order to be productive, we need rest too.

Appreciating how times are changing fast (for our parent's generation, the concept of 'parenting' wasn't even a thing) means that we need to adapt to modern investment philosophies, which involves breaking down the walls of thinking that are holding us back.

Learn all about how to apply patience and grace when doing this, the value...

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How to Overcome Fear in Investing

podcast Jun 09, 2023

What do you do if you are afraid of investing? How do you manage risk? Fear is often the thing that prevents us from taking action, and today's episode of The Wealth Blueprint is all about overcoming that fear.

Palak and Niti are back and this week they're talking about mindset hacks to overcome fear, as well as a specific framework for implementing the right investment strategy. 

They're also drawing on their wealth of real estate experience by proving specific examples of how to use the BRRRR method effectively, as well as what you can do to overcome risk. 

Approaching fear with curiosity by listening to your body is as important as learning to flex your risk muscle. Because if you are wanting to become an entrepreneur, the truth is that you will need to take risks along the way. 

Thankfully, with The Wealth Blueprint to listen to, great investment advice on adopting the right mindset is just a click away. Please join us on this episode that is guaranteed to leave...

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How to Invest in 2023

podcast Jun 02, 2023

Are you ready to invest? Right now? In 2023? What's holding you back? The question always comes up: is this the right time to invest? The market is shifting constantly, and Palak and Niti have their finger on the pulse of all things property, ready to provide you with the right, educated answer.

Unless you're an investor, it's difficult to understand the market's ebbs and flows. And while Palak and Niti took a chance years ago and have now built up a $10 million property portfolio, some of their friends are still asking, "Is now a good time to invest?" 

As Palak wisely points out, that's not the right question – or even the right attitude. The right question is, "How can I take advantage of what is happening right now?" It's not "Should I be investing?" as Niti agrees, but "How should I be investing?"

There's more sage advice inside in this electrifying episode of real estate in the moment, in the year 2023.  Let's dive into the show.


"Buy and hold is a very...
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Overcoming Analysis Paralysis With the ABLE Framework

podcast May 26, 2023

How do you get out of analysis paralysis when considering investing in real estate? Welcome to The Wealth Blueprint. Today Palak Shah is flying solo, showing us how to take action and get started with your property portfolio in four easy steps.

What is your property Avatar? Understanding the neighborhood that you're in, and the specs that you are after, is where Palak starts in unpacking her ABLE framework. Is your ideal property investment small, simple, and scalable?

Palak is also sharing her wisdom on how you need to verbalize the lifestyle you are after and repeat it like a mantra. Getting into property and getting past analysis also involves managing your expectations and taking a leap of faith. With The Wealth Blueprint, taking that leap of faith has never felt better. Let's dive into the show.


"I want to share this framework with you today because it's plug-and-play. You can implement this directly into your business, into your life. If you are someone who loves to...

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The Property Portfolio Building SCALE Framework

podcast May 26, 2023

As a high earner, how do you build a multi-million dollar portfolio in three to five years, and make work optional? Welcome to The Wealth Blueprint: Financial Freedom Through Real Estate, with your hosts Palak Jamdar and Niti Shah.

Palak and Niti are guiding us through the 'SCALE Framework' they used to build a ten-million-dollar portfolio in five years, which allowed them to retire from their high-paid jobs. 

They're covering some important topics today: the BRRRR strategy, and what they then did differently to other investors. Understanding their SCALE Framework means you won't have to make the same mistakes they did as you build your property portfolio. 

The SCALE Framework is a blueprint that allows you to scale fast, build cash flow fast, and use the least amount of time. It's a surefire plan to build your multi-million dollar property portfolio in no time. Let's dive into the show.


 "As Warren Buffett says, sometimes it's not about how hard you're rowing...

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Creating Generational Wealth with Palak and Niti

podcast May 26, 2023

Are you ready to embark on a journey toward owning your own million-dollar rental portfolio? Welcome to The Wealth Blueprint: Financial Freedom Through Real Estate, with your hosts Palak Jamdar and Niti Shah.

This is no get-rich-quick scheme, just an honest couple sharing their blueprint for how they transitioned from their hard-working career-defined lifestyle to a lucrative passive income and an investment portfolio that they can leave for their children, creating genuine generational wealth.

In this inspiring first episode, Palak and Niti not only share their blueprint, but their 3 Guiding Principles as well. Listen to their story of how, after a combined thirty years of career hustle,  they were still nowhere close to achieving financial freedom. 

As they so succinctly share, they may have been taught to create income – but no one taught them how to create wealth. 

And that's what they're offering us with The Wealth Blueprint: a relatable story of one...

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How Ryan and Anna Found a Deal with an ARV of $175,000 (And Four Tips to Follow Before Making a Property Deal)

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2021

You’ve found a deal that looks the part. But before you jump in, there are a few things you need to do.


Let’s talk about a deal that two of my clients, Ryan and Anna, found recently.

On paper, everything looks fantastic.

The property has a potential After Repair Value (ARV) of $175,000, and that could go into the couple’s pockets after a little renovation work. On top of that, there’s potential for the property to generate $1,400 per month in rent, which is more than enough to pay the costs of running the property.

So, we see substantial growth potential and an excellent rental yield. 

But that’s not all!

The couple planned to get a mortgage offering a 75% Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio. That means solid equity placed into the property from the beginning and less interest to pay throughout the loan.

As we said, it looks like a fantastic deal on paper.

The question now is…

Should Ryan and Anna go for it?

All of these early signs indicate...

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Uncategorized Jan 30, 2021

"Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world."
Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. President


Real estate business and investing is a never-ending process of learning.
In this case, we're talking about Home Equity Loan (HEL) and Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC)

As the borrower, HEL provides you with a single lump-sum payment and is repaid at an agreed-upon interest rate over a set time (usually five to 15 years). Over the loan's lifetime, the payment and interest rate usually remains the same. When the home on which it is based is sold, the loan must be repaid in full.

Whereas a HELOC is a revolving credit line, which, for a term determined by the lender, you can draw on as needed, pay back, and then draw on again. HELOCs typically have a variable interest rate, but some lenders offer fixed-rate options.

In other words, it's a...

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