5-Day Real Estate Investor Accelerator Pop-up Challenge + BRRRRCON Recordings!

Twice The Opportunity: Closing on Two Houses with Cassie and EJ

podcast Sep 08, 2023


What do you do when you set out to own one property and end up with two under contract? That is the challenge that Cassie and EJ were faced with, and this is the inspiring story of how they overcame that challenge.


FREE 5-Day Real Estate Investor Accelerator - https://www.openspaceswomen.com/5day 

Living in Dallas, Texas, Cassie and EJ are a married couple with two kids and two full-time jobs, so they are no strangers to dealing with challenges in twos! But when the first property they had their eye on involved a seller going through bankruptcy, they started their search again. 


Within months, they found their second property, and issues with the first property were resolved enough for them to chat with Niti and change their perspective on ways in which they could make the numbers work on two houses! And now their goal is to own ten properties by year-end! 


Learn about their BRRRR strategies to get their numbers down, finding contractors...

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Nurse, Mother, Investor: Anita's Path to Passive Income through Real Estate

podcast Sep 01, 2023


Before the program, Anita was like a tortoise. Looking at properties online but not really doing anything with her curiosity. Now, since joining the Open Spaces Real Estate program, Anita describes herself as more like a cheetah, moving "fast-paced."

And considering that she's just closed on her second property, it's fair to say that Anita is moving fast!

Welcome once again to the Open Spaces Real Estate Sensei Sessions, where we learn from rockstar portfolio program students what it's like to close on your first property deal by working with Palak and Niti's BRRRR-focused program.

Anita is a Registered Nurse who is juggling motherhood (her child makes an appearance in this episode ), and so she needed a simple yet effective way to start earning passive income through property without making too many mistakes.

And this is where Palak and Niti's wisdom comes in as they helped Anita close on not one, but two properties in record time! Please join us as we learn about Anita's...

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Understanding Hard Money Lending: Dewey's Fast-Paced Investment Triumph

podcast Aug 25, 2023

How fast can you learn, and how soon can you then own and earn? Welcome once again to the Open Spaces Real Estate Sensei Sessions, where students who are going through Palak and Niti's program share the deals they're making, as well as their insights, their ups, and their downs in the world of real estate. This is a valuable way of offering community support to other first-time investors out there. 


Dewey is one such student and he is joined today by Open Spaces' Chief Media Officer, Cheryl Tan, as he shares his rapid journey of investing in real estate, and how Palak and Niti's story of being "busy with life" but also wanting something more resounded with Dewey.


What’s even more impressive is that Dewey at first thought that this was only a program for women looking to earn in real estate! Undeterred, he watched the Facebook videos and signed up! Side Note: This is ABSOLUTELY a program for ANYONE looking to take that next step toward time and money...

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How Much Wealth Do You Want To Build?: Three Key Reasons To Keep Going

podcast Aug 18, 2023

When will it be enough? How much wealth do you want to build? How many properties are enough? These are often the kinds of questions that Palak and Niti get asked by their community, so in today's inspiring episode, they are addressing these issues head-on!

They are providing us with three key reasons why we should want to succeed in business on our own. And as we have come to expect from The Wealth Blueprint, this involves a mindset shift. 

Have you been trained to think that rich people are not good people, or that if you have more money, you will have more problems? 

Have you been drinking the Kool-Aid where you've let other people determine your fate in the corporate world? Have you fallen victim to seeking external validation from your parents? 

No one ever says they want to work less because they're lazy. No, you want to work hard, for yourself, so that you can live a life of financial and time freedom, which means no one gets to tell you what to do. ...

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Empowering Women: Unveiling the Path to Wealth Creation

podcast Aug 11, 2023

What does it mean to create wealth? As Palak shares with us today, building wealth has allowed her to give back so much more than she ever could have. It has empowered her to actually feel like she has a place in society, to know that she can actually give back.

Unfortunately, not all women are in quite the same position as Palak, and she gets asked a lot about why it is, exactly, that women aren't the ones building wealth and that this is usually a job left to the men. 

And for Palak, there are three key reasons why women lack the motivation, courage, and support to build wealth. This is because it is unfamiliar, and unseen, and it makes women feel unproductive when there are seemingly more pressing tasks at hand.

The good news is that a revolution is afoot! More and more women are empowering themselves as wealth builders, shunning the supposed shame of enjoying earning money and providing for their families in new and important ways. 

Please join Palak in this episode...

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Ignoring the Naysayers: Building Wealth in Real Estate

podcast Aug 04, 2023


How do you deal with the naysayers? It's fine when you're following the rules and traditional money-making paths, but as soon as you do something different, start thinking out of the box, and challenge the status quo, there are going to be people on the sidelines who disapprove. 

Palak and Niti are offering their tools and strategies for dealing with those real estate naysayers who just can't see your bigger picture. 

Whether it's an estate agent who simply doesn't get that part of your BRRRR strategy involves buying a distressed property in a less-than-ideal neighborhood (so that you can add value!), or someone who's offering advice without owning property of their own, these naysayers come in all shapes and sizes. And you shouldn't let them throw you off your game!

It's all about taking limited risks, understanding what you're doing, running the numbers, having an exit strategy, and sticking to the plan. The way to build real wealth takes time and diligence in...

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From Philly to Financial Freedom: A Memberā€™s Journey Through Our Program

podcast Jul 27, 2023


What does it look like to come from New York, now live in LA, and invest in your first property in Philadelphia? This is the story of one of Open Spaces' wonderful members, Rupali. She is joined today by Open Spaces' Chief Media Officer, Cheryl Tan, as she shares her journey of becoming a long-distance investor.

Welcome once again to the Open Spaces Real Estate Sensei Sessions, where people who have been through Palak and Niti's program share their insights, their ups, and their downs in the real estate game as a valuable way of offering community support to other first-time investors out there. 

For Rupali, she had never owned a property before and still hasn't actually seen her Philly apartment in person! But after taking the Open Spaces course, she set aside some early bird West Coast hours to scout online for East Coast deals – and she soon found the right BRRRR opportunity for her. 

Rupali graciously shares her experience of how the weekly calls with...

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How To Own Your First Property Using the BRRRR Strategy

podcast Jul 21, 2023


Welcome to the Open Spaces Real Estate Sensei Sessions – where freedom from the golden handcuffs of high-paid jobs awaits! 

The Wealth Blueprint Podcast's Palak Shah is also the co-founder of Open Spaces and she is handing over the reins of the show to her Chief Media Officer, Cheryl Tan, who is interviewing portfolio program auditor Rosana on how the BRRRR strategy improved her life.


Building your real estate portfolio through systems and processes using Open Spaces's super-charged BRRRR strategy is truly a thing of beauty. Rosana shares how being introduced to Palak and Niti's real estate program and the BRRRR strategy has opened her eyes to the potential of real estate. 


Taking that leap of faith to get your first property and cutting out all the noise from the real estate world so that you can simply focus on the proven strategy at hand is succinctly articulated by Rosana in this inspiring episode of Open Spaces Real Estate Sensei Sessions,...

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Why a Virtual Assistant Could be a Game-Changer for Your Business!

podcast Jul 14, 2023

Why is it important for you to hire a Virtual Assistant – and when is the right time to do so? To help you up your business game, Palak and Niti are offering us their tried and tested tips for working with a virtual assistant in this super practical episode of The Wealth Blueprint.

If you are the only ‘doer’ in the business and everything falls on your shoulders, you’ll find it hard to build systems and processes – and precious time is then taken away from growing and scaling your business. 

Help in executing the smaller tasks with the help of a virtual assistant is like having an extra pair of arms and legs! 

From learning not to just delegate the tasks you don’t want to handle, to how to create opportunities for your virtual assistant to come to you when they’re stuck, turning your virtual assistant into a game-changing reality for you and your business is just a download away! 

Please enjoy these amazing tips on how best...

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Top 5 Character Traits of Successful CEOs

podcast Jul 07, 2023
What are the common traits of highly successful CEOs that you can learn from and apply in your own business from the get-go?

Palak and Niti are offering us five of the most common successful character traits of CEOs that they’ve been exposed to in their mastermind groups and real estate business. 

Every upside in business has a downside, and just because you are growing doesn’t mean you won’t have problems. How you learn to view problems in the business as not problems with the business is just one of the savvy insights this week’s episode of The Wealth Blueprint offers.

Learn about how CEOs embrace uncomfortable change and the value of forming good long-term relationships in this insightful episode from Palak and Niti. Please join us. 

We trust that you will find this episode to be of great value. Please feel free to share it with your friends. 


 “These CEOs are constantly working in their own lane.” ~ Palak...
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