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Four Advantages to Self-managing Passive Rentals

I'm a huge proponent of the 80-20 rule wherein 80% of the tasks / projects must be outsourced or eliminated and only the most important 20% must be performed by entrepreneur. Even if the owner is in the same general vicinity, property management is one aspect that seems to fall under the 80% for a lot of investors. Over the course of the past few years, I've come to realize that managing one's own properties isn't just to save money, it has other advantages as well. With process streamlining and outsourcing key elements of property management, the tenant landlord relationship can be some thing an investor can maintain without a lot of time commitment. Here are the four key advantages that aren't always apparent.

1. Providing High Quality Service

The amount of money one can save by not hiring a property management company (5-10% of the rent) can be used to make both the tenant's and the landlord's life easier which helps provide high quality service. Time and again, my tenants...

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