5-Day Real Estate Investor Accelerator Pop-up Challenge + BRRRRCON Recordings!

Navigating the Current Real Estate Market: A Blueprint for New Investors

podcast Sep 15, 2023

 How do I invest in the current market? And how do I start building wealth as a new investor? Niti is flying solo in today's episode of The Wealth Blueprint, offering us Three Key Points in answer to each of those questions to help us navigate through choppy waters in the current real estate market.


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Niti's sage advice starts with a reminder that every market cycle has its pros and cons that you, as an investor, need to evaluate. And to think clearly, you need to be able to drown out the noise and choose who you listen to wisely!

When it comes to investing in the current market, buying a cash-flowing asset and learning how to analyze a deal holistically will stand you in better stead.

And for the new investors out there, there's great advice on learning how to take action, and how to reverse engineer your retirement by starting with the end in mind and starting with your why to give you the drive you need. 

Impactful advice is on hand for you to start creating that time and money freedom! Please join us. 


"As an investor, I always tell people: focus on the controllables." ~ Niti Jamdar


In This Episode:

  • 01:00 How to filter out 'the noise' of what's going on in the current market
  • 02:20 How did the pandemic affect money lending and property prices during the pandemic?
  • 04:25 The value of buying a positively cash-flowing asset 
  • 07:05 How do you analyze a deal holistically?
  • 10:00 What do you need to do today to start building your wealth?
  • 11:50 How 'knowing your why' will give you the drive you need
  • 13:30 Starting with the destination in mind - creating a vision board
  • 15:10 How to TAKE ACTION (educate yourself to overcome your fear)



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FREE 5-Day Real Estate Investor Accelerator - https://www.openspaceswomen.com/5day 


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