5-Day Real Estate Investor Accelerator Pop-up Challenge + BRRRRCON Recordings!

How To Own Your First Property Using the BRRRR Strategy

podcast Jul 21, 2023


Welcome to the Open Spaces Real Estate Sensei Sessions – where freedom from the golden handcuffs of high-paid jobs awaits! 

The Wealth Blueprint Podcast's Palak Shah is also the co-founder of Open Spaces and she is handing over the reins of the show to her Chief Media Officer, Cheryl Tan, who is interviewing portfolio program auditor Rosana on how the BRRRR strategy improved her life.


Building your real estate portfolio through systems and processes using Open Spaces's super-charged BRRRR strategy is truly a thing of beauty. Rosana shares how being introduced to Palak and Niti's real estate program and the BRRRR strategy has opened her eyes to the potential of real estate. 


Taking that leap of faith to get your first property and cutting out all the noise from the real estate world so that you can simply focus on the proven strategy at hand is succinctly articulated by Rosana in this inspiring episode of Open Spaces Real Estate Sensei Sessions, on The Wealth Blueprint podcast. We trust you will enjoy the show!



"All you need is really good guidance. And I think the guidance (from Open Spaces) allows you to cut out all that extra noise that you hear in the real estate world." ~ Rosana 


In This Episode:

02:01 - How Rosana came to work with the Open Spaces Real Estate team

05:20 - What is Rosana's main takeaway from working with Palak and Niti?

06:30 - Learning to focus on a clean and clear strategy that works

07:30 - How did the Open Spaces program help Rosana to own her first property?

08:20 - What are Rosana's future property plans and ambitions?




Get a copy of  Accelerate Your Real Estate - https://www.openspaceswomen.com/book 

FREE 5-Day Real Estate Investor Accelerator - https://www.openspaceswomen.com/5day 

The One Thing (book) - https://www.amazon.com/ONE-Thing-Surprisingly-Extraordinary-Results/dp/1885167776


Connect with Palak and Niti

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/openspacescapital/

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@openspaces1251

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@openspacesacademy


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