5-Day Real Estate Investor Accelerator Pop-up Challenge + BRRRRCON Recordings!

How to Break Generational Money Cycles?

podcast Jun 16, 2023

What's holding you back from making real money? Have you heard of generational money cycles? Growing up, we inherit beliefs (including limiting ones!) from our parents and grandparents before them.

Palak and Niti have dealt with their fair share of new investors who've struggled to come to terms with this, and so in today's episode, they're sharing just how to overcome these limiting beliefs.

We can blame our lack of success on strategy and tactics, sure. But what about mindset? Is your head in the right place? Are you gaslighting yourself, perhaps? Constantly pushing ourselves isn't the only way to success. In order to be productive, we need rest too.

Appreciating how times are changing fast (for our parent's generation, the concept of 'parenting' wasn't even a thing) means that we need to adapt to modern investment philosophies, which involves breaking down the walls of thinking that are holding us back.

Learn all about how to apply patience and grace when doing this, the value of surrounding yourself with people who share a similar growth mindset, and so much more in this episode of The Wealth Blueprint that's daring you to do better, one mindset shift at a time.


"Unless you understand where the (limiting) beliefs are coming from, it's hard to overcome them." ~ Niti Jamdar

"Success, when it comes to mindset especially, is not a straight line." ~ Palak Shah


In This Episode:

01:20 - Challenging our well-intentioned upbringings

04:10 - Understanding where your limiting beliefs originate from

05:30 - Surrounding yourself with like-minded people

07:28 - The value of patience and grace when breaking these cycles

11:25 - Appreciating how 'parenting' is so different today



FREE 5-Day Real Estate Investor Accelerator


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